I stepped through the doorway and, to my amazement, the salty sea lay stretched out before me, glistening under the sun. The fresh air filled my lungs, and for the first time in what felt like ages, I was back in familiar lands. The endless maze and gemstone prison were behind me, and I felt a rush of relief I hadn’t expected.

Off in the distance, I heard the sounds of celebration—music, cheerful screams, the thunder of a thousand footsteps, and the scent of food cooking, carried on the sea breeze. My legs, though weak and worn, found new life as I made my way toward the source of the noise.

As I reached the heart of the village, I was greeted by a parade like nothing I’d ever seen. The streets were packed with people—there must have been a thousand souls all gathered in that one place. They were dancing, laughing, and feasting like there was no tomorrow. Children darted through the crowd, excited and giggling, their arms full of trinkets as they raced around on some kind of scavenger hunt. They shouted and cheered every time one of them found another hidden prize, their joy infectious. It was a sight to behold, and yet, I couldn’t help but feel out of place.

Following the scent of food, I stumbled upon a grand buffet, tables lined with all manner of dishes, and—blessedly—all free for the taking. But as I stood there, I couldn’t help but notice how out of sorts I looked. Everyone was dressed in their finest clothes, clean and bright, while I stood there in tattered rags, dirt caked on me face like I’d crawled out of a grave.

Before I could dwell on it, a young lass appeared out of nowhere, her smile warm as she placed a lei around my neck. “Welcome to Phuc’s Lucky Day,” she said in a voice that could’ve made the hardest pirate melt.

What “Phuc’s Lucky Day” meant, I hadn’t the faintest idea, but in that moment, it surely felt like mine.

I watched her disappear into the crowd when out of nowhere, a thunderous roar drowned out the music and laughter, rattling through the very ground beneath my feet. I felt it deep in my bones, a vibration that shook me to my core and made time stand still.