Tonight, as the sun set, the hideout was filled with one last gleam of light before the darkness covered the isle. I slowly climbed outside, the gentle breeze of the salty sea kissed my skin and momentarily cooled my blistered flesh. I stepped onto the beach had greeted me so many times and it seemed as unrecognizable and foreign as any uncharted land.

I set the pyre ablaze with what was left of The Anthurium, watching as the flames danced higher, carrying the crew on one last raid across the endless sea. Thirteen sunsets have come and gone since the attack, each one I’ve faced alone. This place… it’s no longer a home. It’s a wasteland now, full of shadows and silence—memories that haunt like ghosts, whispering through the still air.

After many failed attempts I finally found me way into the Captains Quarters. I managed to salvage Bill’s old compass and spyglass, along with his maps, and few other other nick-knacks from the wreckage . The compass’ leather’s cracked, and the brass on the spyglass is tarnished, but these relics have led us around more storms and squalls than I can count. They’ve got a bit of magic left in them yet, and I trust they’ll guide me true once more.

I did happen to notice something peculiar, it was one of the Captains maps, it lead to an Isle I’ve heard of many times before, but have never stepped foot on its shores.

On the map he had written “THE SALTY SERPENT,” a place that’s notorious amongst pirates, scoundrels and treasure hunters all across the 8 seas for its debauchery and degeneracy.

Aye, what I wouldn’t give to step foot in that wretched place once in me life and have a tankard of grog and hear tall tales of treasure.